Tech Consultineering
Are you in control of your base automation? Do you know the capabilities of your source and consumer systems? Those of the future, but more so, those of your legacy? If & when to phase in / out? Connectivity & secured communication - the turned around principles in OT for AI readiness.
Technology - By Design
Taking a look at your Base Automation Suites, verifying Automation Designs, Functional Setups & System Architectures. Embedding by-design features (safety, cybersecurity, & data integrity) if missing.
Data Producers & Data Users
Analyzing your source system & consumer system landscape. Addressing the data & connectivity possibilities and limitations of your legacy & future-to-be players.
Legacy & Lifecycle
Scale & re-ramp greenfield approach & standards for your brownfield installation to bring it into a cybersecure and data centric digital ready landscape.
Setup lean principles in Run & Maintain.
Connectivity & Communication
Defining your connectivity layer, data channels & data highways. Applying the ruling diamonds & the laws of modularity, scalability, cascading, replication, decoupling & centralized decentralism.
Use of Data
Specifying in a templated way the way forward to utilize Contextualized Industrial Data for data-driven use cases. Checklist, governance and tech specs for the interdisciplinary way to success.
Secured Domain Crossing
Needing Industrial IT specification for the OT space? We specialize in assessing your manufacturing landscape and provide a design blueprint for your interfaces with IT.